Working Online

What I am offering is pretty unique.

You may not be able to find someone near you who can support you in a WholeBody or Somatic Inquiry practice.

I have created the sessions below for that very reason.

There is no distant offering that can replace the quality of support and presence of working together in-person. I would always choose that for you.

If you are close enough to visit my office, or if you have a good local practitioner,  please choose that option.

If not, these online sessions are a good second choice.


Session Rates

90 minutes is recommended for your first visit and Constellation Sessions. Please allow about 15 minutes at the end of your session for an easy transition into the rest of your day.

Credit cards are accepted and online booking is available.

Online Somatic Inquiry

These sessions will be guided by your curiosity and intentions. We will being by establishing a grounded embodied presence and a sense of security. followed by somatic exploration and inquiry. We will meet on Zoom.

Online Constellations

This is also an individual exploration, like the 1-on-1 Constellation. We will meet on Zoom and draw out the relational system on a virtual whiteboard.